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driving function中文是什么意思

用"driving function"造句"driving function"怎么读"driving function" in a sentence


  • 驱动函数


  • Erase , format & copy drive functions
  • The praise is one kind of recognition , has the enormous drive function to the student
  • Implementing standard communication interface , programing device drive function table and control parameters of mcbsp
  • Furthermore , agribusiness organizational bonding way is very loose , the close - type bondings way just constitute little proportion , and the driving functions of organization bodies are not very strong generally
  • Accordingly , an abbreviated and code - opened real - time operating system named ? c / os - is transplanted on tms320f240 . the paper presents software structure ’ s three levels , designs the additional facilities ’ driven functions and commonly modules , expands the operating system and constructs the platform primarily
    C / os - ,给出了层次设计的软件结构,结合目标板的硬件资源,编写了外设驱动函数、电力电子控制常用功能模块,对
  • In order to obtain the solution for mapping nc code of a parallel machine tool from virtual axis space to real axis space without the construction of mathematical model , a method of using assembly constraint and dimension driven function of cad software was presented
  • By study , we think that the key of innovation on the organizational mechanism is to establish the central status of peasant households in aom , search for the agent of organizing for the peasant households , give energetic support to the driving functions of dragon - head corporations and transmit the role of the government departments and the committees of village members , recreate the agricultural socialized service system which seems the peasant households as the center
    再次,探讨农业产业化经营组织机制创新的主要途径。研究认为,组织机制创新的关键是确立农户在产业化经营中的中心地位,为农户寻找组织化的“代理人” ,大力发展合作社等中介组织,增强龙头企业带动功能,及时转变政府部门和村委会角色,重新构建以农户为中心的农业社会化服务体系。
  • First the paper introduces the composition of vxi measurement system both hardware and software . second the paper introduces the amc2320 8 - channel parallel daq module , including hardware components , drive functions and means to develop application programs with them , the specifications such as precision
  • The reconstructing of enterprises to stock companies and the negotiable securites exchange in the market after they come into being are revolution of chinese economy system , which has the meaning of lining out the era . the thesis is based on the transformation of chinese accounting target , and challenges to the questions of accounting information quality . on the influence of accounting rule internationalization and other aspects . the thesis affirm sufficiently the great driving function to which stock system gives in chinese accounting idea progress , at the same time it disclose the transformation background of chinese accounting system and its main content
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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